Saturday, February 11, 2012

Iron Lady - We Love you Meryl Streep

With great power comes, great responsibility
                                                        - Mr. Ben, Spiderman's Uncle

1975, Aandhi, a great piece of art by Gulzar saab was not allowed to be released as it had similarity to the then Prime Minister of India, Mrs. Indira Gandhi. Phyllida Lloyd takes a bold step and has made a movie about the longest serving and the only female Prime Minister of Britain, Margaret Thatcher, and believe you me, the movie has had a full release worldwide and has been well received and will soon release in India too.

The supremely talented Meryl Streep playes a convincing Margaret Thatcher in Iron Lady. The movie revolves around the growth, hate and downfall of the Prime Minister due to her strict and conservative policies. She displays an array of emotions and I cannot think of anyone else who could have played the role to perfection.

I hope the 86 year old Mrs. Margaret Thatcher is not offended by the flawed storyline about her dementia and her hallucination about her late husband Denis Thatcher. Meryl streep with her Oscar nominated role makes up for any flaw in the plot with her splendind performance. At the end of the movie, you would be left wanting to have more from this talented genius.

My vote for 2012 Oscar award for Best Performance in a Leading role - female goes to Meryl Streep.

Donot miss this when it releases in India.

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