Monday, February 27, 2012

Oscar 2012 - Laughter is back

He's back for the 9th time. He yells at the top of his voice in a silent movie, smooches George Clooney, imitates as the baseball coach, hangs out with Justin Bieber, barges into the ladies room, jumps out of Al Burj better than Tom Cruise, renames Kodak Theater as Chapter 11 theater. And you know the magic has begun. That's the talented Billy Crystal for you.

After James Franco and Anne Hathway had dried up the jokes out of Oscars last year, it was a relief to have the dependable Billy Crystal again. The laughter was back. The Academy Award veteran in his signature style breaks into a song and dance routine and then makes you laugh out loud before concluding his opening speech "Nothing takes the sting out of a recession like watching millionaires present each other with gold statues."

Chris Rock, Gwyneth Paltrow, Emma Stone, Robert Downey Jr were a good competition to Billy with their wit and comic timing.

As customary I was awake early to watch svelte chics sway on the Red Carpet in their designer wear. And believe you me its a treat to eyes.

The 84th year of the Academy Awards and many records galore:

Kodak Theater has been renamed as Hollywood and Highland center

The Artist is the first Silent movie to win an Oscar post World War I. The last silent movie to win an oscar was in 1929 called "Wings". As I had predicted earlier, it was a Silent kill with The Artist winning all the major awards, Best Actor, Best Director, Best Original Score, Best Film and Best Costumer Design.


Meryl Streep was nominated for the 17th time (many actors donot even last 17 movies) and won her 3rd Oscar for The Iron Lady(after losing for 12 times in a row) to join the club with Jack Nicholson,Ingrid Bergman and Walter Brennan. It was the moment to enjoy when she said "When they called my name, I had this feeling I could hear half of America go, 'Oh, no, why her again?' But whatever"


It was fun to watch 2 elderly people reunite when the 82 year old  immensely talented Christopher Plummer (of Sound of Music fame), the oldest acting winner for "Beginners", said 
"You are only 2 years older than me darling, where have you been all these years".

Woody Allen won his fourth Oscar after being nominated for a record 23 times.
And it was no surprise when all the Technical awards went to Martin Scorsese's "Hugo"

 84th year at the Oscars and as always the best was recognized

Best Picture: 'The Artist.'
Best Actor: Jean Dujardin, 'The Artist.'
Best Actress: Meryl Streep, 'The Iron Lady.'
Best Supporting Actor: Christopher Plummer, 'Beginners.'
Best Supporting Actress: Octavia Spencer, 'The Help.'
Best Director: Michel Hazanavicius, 'The Artist.'
Best Foreign Language Film: 'A Separation,' Iran.
Best Adapted Screenplay: Alexander Payne, Nat Faxon and Jim Rash, 'The Descendants.'
Best Original Screenplay: Woody Allen, 'Midnight in Paris.'
Best Animated Feature Film: 'Rango.'
Best Art Direction: 'Hugo.'
Best Cinematography: 'Hugo.'
Best Sound Mixing: 'Hugo.'
Best Sound Editing: 'Hugo.'
Best Original Score: 'The Artist.'
Best Original Song: 'Man or Muppet' from 'The Muppets.'
Best Costume Design: 'The Artist.'
Best Documentary Feature: 'Undefeated.'
Best Documentary Short: 'Saving Face.'
Best Film Editing: 'The Girl With the Dragon Tattoo.'
Best Makeup: 'The Iron Lady.'
Best Animated Short Film: 'The Fantastic Flying Books of Mr. Morris Lessmore.'
Best Live Action Short Film: 'The Shore.'
Best Visual Effects: 'Hugo.'

See you next year, same time, same place. Till then have fun at the movies.

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